Tired of your old Home Movie Day shirt? Looking for a new way to express your love of home movies and unflagging support for our international amateur film preservation-and-outreach effort? Well, it’s your lucky day—because we just posted new HMD merchandise in our online store. They all feature our colorful and adorable 2008 promo image, which came to us courtesy of our friend Kae Ishihara of Japan’s Film Preservation Society.
We’ll be retiring several of our older designs soon, ‘cause we like to keep things fresh around here in Home Movie Land. So if you’ve always liked how that projector with “Home Movie Day” beaming out of the lens looks on a classic white t-shirt, or wanted to show your spouse or domestic partner how much you love them by serving them coffee in a cup with kittens watching a home movie on it, well, carpe diem, my friend. Your time is running out.