Posted by Skip November 6th, 2013
Emma Hurst's ever-evolving Tumblr of stills from home movies from the Prelinger Collection.
Emma Hurst // FWT&summer 2013 // Prelinger Archives
Source: Facebook Status
Posted by Skip November 6th, 2013
“The project will re-create the traveling outdoor cinema of the 1930s, and the “KinoVan,” which will tour shopping areas, festivals and schools to gather and screen local footage, will offer expert assessment of residents’ home movies.”
London Film Archive Plan Gets $785,000 in Financing
LONDON – Film London, the British capital's government backed movie agency, has corralled $785,000 (£500,000) to push a heritage movie drive across 15 London boroughs. The cash, pumped into London's Screen Archives (LSA) network, will fuel a “major” three-year project beginning in January of 2014, c…
Source: Facebook Status
Posted by Skip November 6th, 2013
Music video using amateur footage of 1989 visit to NYC including CBGBs and the Knitting Factory.
The Clean – “Dunes” (Official Music Video)
Archival footage from the Clean's 1989 trip to New York, shot by David Kilgour. MORE Music Videos: —— SUBSCRIBE to htt…
Source: Facebook Status
Posted by Skip November 6th, 2013
This year's Baltimore Home Movie Day will be a curated screening at the EMP Collective Gallery on November 23rd, in conjunction with their gallery exhibit on self-representation.
Source: Facebook Status
Posted by Skip November 6th, 2013
Home Movie Day Discoveries at the Cinémathèque française, a screening on September 12th of some of the highlights of Home Movie Day Paris, 2010-2012, plus added attractions.
Les découvertes du Home Movie Day à la Cinémathèque française : Home Movie Day Paris – L’inversible
Le Home Movie Day rassemble chaque année de nombreux possesseurs de films amateurs sur support pellicule (8mm, Super 8, 9,5, 16mm), des professionnels d’archives cinématographiques et des spectateurs curieux. Chacun vient partager son savoir-faire, discuter, montrer ses films et en découvrir d’autre…
Source: Facebook Status
Posted by Skip November 6th, 2013
A purchased end sequence found at the tail of a home movie in the collections of the University of Georgia's Walter J. Brown Media Archives (from archivist Margie Compton).
Source: Facebook Status