Posted by Skip November 6th, 2013
At the EYE Film Institute in Amsterdam: “Looming Fire, the latest work by filmmaker and artist Péter Forgács. Based on EYE’s extensive collection of home movies, Forgács (Budapest, 1950) takes us through everyday life in the Netherlands East Indies at the height of the colonial period.”
Péter Forgács – Looming Fire | EYE, het nieuwe filmmuseum
From 5 October to 1 December 2013 EYE’s main exhibition space will be exclusively devoted to Looming Fire, the latest work by filmmaker and artist Péter Forgács. Based on EYE’s extensive collection of home movies, Forgács (Budapest, 1950) takes us through everyday life in the Netherlands East Indies…
Source: Facebook Status
Posted by Skip November 6th, 2013
From the Criterion Collection, 8mm home movies of Ingrid Bergman.
Ingrid Bergman's Home Movies
8mm home movies of Ingrid Bergman around the filming of 1950's STROMBOLI. 3 Films by Roberto Rossellini Starring Ingrid Bergman is out now on Blu-ray and DVD…
Source: Facebook Status
Posted by Skip November 6th, 2013
The Center for Digital Storytelling leads workshops that teach people how to develop first person narratives into short videos. This storyteller centers his around his family's home movies and the scene that they repeat year after year.
Home Movies – a digital story by Dana Atchley
Kids turning for the camera, a kiss, and the Colorado Spaceman. This story was made by the grandfather of the digital storytelling movement and is an outtake…
Source: Facebook Status
Posted by Skip November 6th, 2013
An article on Home Movie Day (from 2011) by Becca Hall and Kyle Westphal of the Northwest Chicago Film Society.
Other People’s Lives: The Politics of Home Movie Day | Northwest Chicago Film Society
Twenty years ago, or even ten, the place of home movies within film history and film culture was contested and precarious. Thinking about them was uncomfortable. You remembered posing for the camera, mom rushing into the shot to fix your hair, dad barking directions, your sister rolling her eyes whi…
Source: Facebook Status
Posted by Skip November 6th, 2013
Call for Papers.
Thinking Amateur Cinema
REVISTA LAIKA is an academic journal produced by the Laboratory of Audiovisual Research and Critique (LAICA) of the Department of Film, Radio and Television, located at the School of Arts and Communications of the University of São Paulo, in Brazil. We invite contributions in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French for the special issue dedicated to Amateur Cinema.
Como colaborar | Revista Laika
A Revista Laika é aberta à submissão de trabalhos inéditos (de autoria individual ou coletiva) de pesquisadores, realizadores, professores e estudantes de Audiovisual e áreas conexas, em sistema de fluxo contínuo para contribuições em forma de resenhas, artigos, ensaios fotográficos, vídeos e podcas…
Source: Facebook Status
Posted by Skip November 6th, 2013
Emma Hurst's ever-evolving Tumblr of stills from home movies from the Prelinger Collection.
Emma Hurst // FWT&summer 2013 // Prelinger Archives
Source: Facebook Status