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Call for Papers. Thinking Amateur Cinema REVISTA LAIKA is an academic journal pr…

Posted by September 16th, 2013

Thinking Amateur Cinema
REVISTA LAIKA is an academic journal produced by the Laboratory of Audiovisual Research and Critique (LAICA) of the Department of Film, Radio and Television, located at the School of Arts and Communications of the University of São Paulo, in Brazil. We invite contributions in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French for the special issue dedicated to Amateur Cinema.
Como colaborar | Revista Laika
A Revista Laika é aberta à submissão de trabalhos inéditos (de autoria individual ou coletiva) de pesquisadores, realizadores, professores e estudantes de Audiovisual e áreas conexas, em sistema de fluxo contínuo para contribuições em forma de resenhas, artigos, ensaios fotográficos, vídeos e podcas…]]>

"The project will re-create the traveling outdoor cinema of the 1930s, and the "…

Posted by September 12th, 2013

London Film Archive Plan Gets $785,000 in Financing
LONDON – Film London, the British capital's government backed movie agency, has corralled $785,000 (£500,000) to push a heritage movie drive across 15 London boroughs. The cash, pumped into London's Screen Archives (LSA) network, will fuel a “major” three-year project beginning in January of 2014, c…]]>

Home Movie Day Discoveries at the Cinémathèque française, a screening on Septemb…

Posted by September 1st, 2013

Les découvertes du Home Movie Day à la Cinémathèque française : Home Movie Day Paris – L'inversible
Le Home Movie Day rassemble chaque année de nombreux possesseurs de films amateurs sur support pellicule (8mm, Super 8, 9,5, 16mm), des professionnels d’archives cinématographiques et des spectateurs curieux. Chacun vient partager son savoir-faire, discuter, montrer ses films et en découvrir d’autre…]]>