The deluge of field reports from Home Movie Day events around the country and around the world this weekend will be coming in soon, so we’re going to catalog a number of the preview reports from newspapers, magazines, blogs, and other websites that appeared in the days leading up to HMD 2008 while we still have a chance.
- “Home Movie Day Tomorrow at Urbana Free Library: Dig Out Your Old Films” from “Smile Politely, Speak Directly. — A Champaign-Urbana Culture Blog.”
- Margie Compton and Ruta Abolins are featured in “UGA mines priceless historical nuggets from old home movies,” in the Athens Banner-Herald.
- Play New Haven features an interview with Molly Wheeler in its Home Movie Day Preview.
- The Examiner emphasizes “your most embarrassing moments” and how you can bring them to the public at large during Home Movie Day.
- Dr. Charles Tepperman talks up home movies for the University of Calgary Gauntlet:
“Home movies are really beautiful. They’re really surprising, there’s always unexpected things happening. Even though, when you think of these movies, you think of pretty typical kinds of things, one of the fun things about Home Movie Day is that you never know what you’re going to get. In addition to lots of interesting variations on the usual topics, we’ll also get some things that we couldn’t predict at all.”
- Skip Elsheimer goes on camera to talk about HMD 2008 in this News 14 Carolina interview, and check out the article (PDF link) on HMD 2008 in North Carolina in Our State magazine.
- Dylan Skolnick previews Home Movie Day in Huntington, New York, in a Newsday piece.
- Jimi Jones discusses Home Movie Day 2008 in Champaign-Urbana on WILL AM 850.
- West Michigan’s first Home Movie Day gets a preview in the Grand Valley Lanthorn, with words from coordinators Jennifer Proctor and Margo Greenlaw, as well as more info and a few videos in a piece on, a Grand Rapids wiki.